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Orthodontic Blogs & News

The Differences Between Metal & Ceramic Braces

Choosing the “right” braces can feel like a pivotal decision as you work towards achieving the perfect smile. Fortunately, patients now have more options than ever before, with each offering its own set of benefits and considerations. Two of the most popular choices offered by our Gainesville and Lake City, FL, orthodontists are metal braces and ceramic braces.

5 Driving Reasons Behind Orthodontic Surgery Decisions

Surgical orthodontics might sound daunting at first, but understanding the benefits that come with pursuing a related procedure can shed light on why our Gainesville and Lake City, FL, orthodontists may choose this path in order for you to enjoy a healthier, more confident smile. Above all else, we want you to be informed so you can go into the process feeling confident.

What to Expect When You’re Getting Braces

Getting braces put on is a significant milestone to celebrate! Of course, excitement aside, the event can create feelings of apprehension and nervousness no matter if you’re a teen or adult. Understanding what lies ahead can transform uncertainty into confidence as you prepare for the moment our Gainesville and Lake City, FL, orthodontists secure the brackets on your teeth.

What Happens If I Don’t Wear My Orthodontic Retainer?

No matter if you chose metal braces, ceramic braces, or clear aligners, after you’ve finished treatment, it’s retainer time. By that, we mean that you’ll be given a custom-made orthodontic retainer to wear as much as our Gainesville and Lake City, FL, orthodontists have instructed you to do so. Taking the device out can seem fine in the moment, but repeated neglect can result in retainer relapse.

How Orthodontic Treatment Corrects Bites for the Better

If your upper and lower teeth have never really fit together in the best way, don’t be intimidated to seek out orthodontic treatment from our Gainesville and Lake City, FL, orthodontists. After all, it’s what we’re here for! Bite misalignment is not uncommon and can be rectified with the right plan, which we’ll determine for you.

Top Strategies to Keep Your Clear Aligners Sparkling

When you're on the path to a straighter, more confident grin, it’s important to remain committed to oral hygiene. Unfortunately, clear aligners and your teeth aren’t going to clean themselves! Our Gainesville and Lake City, FL, orthodontists expect you to make the effort each day to properly care for your trays after you’ve taken them out for eating.

5 Reasons That Make Invisalign® a Worthy Treatment Choice

Many patients feel reluctant to embrace and pursue braces because of their appearance. No one really wants to be the “brace face” of the group despite the many benefits the traditional option can have for a smile. If this sounds like you, our Gainesville and Lake City, FL, orthodontists may recommend Invisalign® clear aligners.

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